With the introduction of Lean evolution in company, I had the chance to read an excellent book <<Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business>>. And it's the source that this artical generated.
- Kanban is the mechanism that underpins the Toyota Production System and its kaizen approach to continuous improvement.The first virtual kanban system for software engineering was implemented at Microsoft beginning in 2004.
5 core properties
- Visualize workflow
- Limit WIP (Work-In-Progress)
- Measure & manage flow
- Make process policies explicit
- Use models to recognize improvement opportunities
6 steps for Kanban recipe:
- Focus on quality: Ensure high inital quality
- Reduce work-in-progress
- Deliver often:Delivering small, frequent, high-quality release builds more trust with partners than putting out larger releases less often.
- Balance demand against throughput
- Prioritize
- Attack sources of variability to improve predictability